J. Gomez writes:

 > Furthermore, what is more important - to deserve or not to deserve
 > the prize of being sanctioned as kosher, or keeping a world-wide
 > system interoperable?

In the face of bullying by large operators counting on the fact that
ostracizing them would seriously annoy millions of *our* users and
customers, I think calling it "bullying" is one of the more important
steps we can take to keep that system interoperable.

 > Yes, that is true. But a default out-of-the-box always has to
 > exist, and in my opinion that default should be the most
 > interoperable which is possible --interoperable with the real
 > world, not with how we would like the world to be--, while keeping
 > as much valuable features as possible, and while keeping operator's
 > duties as straight forward and simple as possible.

There's interoperability and there's interoperability.  GNU Mailman
has a feature such that (1) a DNS query checks for "p=reject" and (2)
if found, the message is wrapped as a message/rfc822 part in a message
from the mailing list and containing the header (if any) and footer
(if any) as separate MIME parts.  This is fully RFC conformant (it's
basically a one-message digest) and almost all MUAs should be able to
handle it.  It is what I propose as default for Mailman.

Do you see any defects in that proposal?

 > > according to RFC 5322, the poster's mailbox belongs in From:.
 > > Remailed or not, the author belongs there.
 > That is debatable. As long as the mailing list program tampers with
 > the message's content, rendering its DKIM signature invalid, it can
 > be argued that the mailing list program is rewriting the message's
 > content,

It can be and is argued, but the argument is clearly incorrect.  The
most recent RFCs state quite clearly that "same message" is in the eye
of the users, and I cannot imagine that addition of a "[list]" tag to
Subject or an unsubscribe footer to the message body would be
interpreted by anyone involved in the list as making the list the


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