Steven M Jones writes:

 > That said, one small point to consider:
 > > The task of defining a standard mechanism for identifying
 > > organizational domain is out of scope for this working
 > > group. However the working group can consider extending the base
 > > DMARC specification to accommodate such a standard, should it be
 > > developed during the life of this working group.
 > By limiting this consideration to "during the life of this working
 > group," do we preclude the possibility of defining (in whole or in
 > part) how such work completed outside and after this WG could be
 > plugged in?

I think "precluding" is advisable.  Identifying organizational domains
is a very big issue affecting security of essentially all applications
on the Internet, and trying to specify an interface in advance seems
useless -- either it will be obvious how to do so, or central elements
of DMARC/DKIM/SPF will need to be revised/replaced anyway.

By "obvious", I mean the following.  For DMARC, we know that we're
aiming at identity alignment of the mailbox in the From field with
either the SMTP connection's remote host (SPF) or a specified domain
in the DKIM-Signature field (DKIM).  AFAIK in those cases the DNS
record to retrieve keys to *authenticate* the sender's identity is
well-defined and not affected by the issue of "organizational domain".

DMARC policy (ie, author-domain-based *authorization* of senders) is
specified by a DNS record.  The core of DMARC is the algorithm to find
the appropriate DNS record.  If a later definition of "organizational
domain" invalidates that algorithm, DMARC (v1) is dead, and needs to
be resurrected with a new algorithm (v2) to find that record
compatibly with "organizational domain".  I don't see how we can
really "define" a plug-in beyond "new algorithm", while that algorithm
is a well-defined component of DMARC (ie, could be considered to be
the "socket").

If changes beyond that are needed, I guess the Grinch stole Christmas.


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