On Aug 29, 2014, at 12:58 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Tim Draegen <t...@eudaemon.net> wrote:
> Simply put, the public suffix concept is useful beyond what DMARC requires of 
> it.  The best that DMARC can do (as a piece of technology) is fully 
> articulate 1 specific use case for the public suffix concept, and hope that 
> other use cases get fleshed out enough so that a viable solution can be 
> crafted by something other than this WG.
> There's also a mailing list where this is being discussed (dbo...@ietf.org) 
> as a thing independent of DMARC, and it was the subject of a BoF in Atlanta 
> (I believe) and at least a couple of APPSAWG presentations in the past, so I 
> expect it will get its own Working Group once there's critical mass and a 
> problem statement.  This WG should adjust (or be able to adjust) to use 
> whatever that group produces, but not go further than that.

Dear Murray and Tim,

While the PSL might be useful for offering some web related assertions, its 
current form is inappropriate for email policy.  Those working on the web/email 
related issues might hope these common concerns will engender enough synergy to 
formalize a published list of registrar domains.  Such a list would certainly 
minimize policy discovery overhead.  Unfortunately, something this simple is 
not likely being discussed.  A discussion that seems to be more behind closed 

Great care must be exercised to ensure DMARC policy does not create 
accountability gaps or overlaps.  The ONLY practical means this can be ensured 
is to use the definition made in the DMARC charter.  This means vendors 
offering services will need to "close" the gap between the domain they 
themselves registered, and that of the subdomain they offer customers.  Only 
the domain formally registered with a registrar must be considered 
authoritative.  There is simply no practical alternative for establishing an 
appropriate authority.  Authors of a PSL lack authority and have already 
created authority gaps and overlaps.

Douglas Otis

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