On 11/10/2014 5:52 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> I've posted an update to the base draft, based on recent feedback from
> Ned and others. 



>  Security terms used in this document are defined in [SEC-TERMS].

There's a Terminology section, so this really belongs there.


> attacks in the RFC5322.From field, also known as "display-name"       
>                       attacks;

     attacks on using the free-form portion of the RFC5322.From field,
also known as "display-name" attacks, after its ABNF rulename;


The Flow Diagram inneeds to have the DKIM and SPF boxes /also/ connected
directly to the Filtering Engine, since they still provide information
directly to it.

I suggest either:

    | Author Domain |< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    +---------------+                        .           .         .
        |                                    .           .         .
        V                                    V           V         .
    +-----------+     +--------+       +----------+ +----------+   .
    |   MSA     |<****|  DKIM  |       |   DKIM   | |    SPF   |   .
    |  Service  |     | Signer |       | Verifier | | Verifier |   .
    +-----------+     +--------+       +----------+ +----------+   .
        |                                    *            *        .
        |                                    *        .   *        .
        V                                    **************        .
                                                          *        .
     +------+        (~~~~~~~~~~~~)     +------+          *        .
     | oMTA |------->( other MTAs )---->| rMTA |          *        .
     +------+        (~~~~~~~~~~~~)     +------+          *        .
                                           |              *  .......
                                           | **************  .
                                           V V            *  .
                                     +-----------+        V  V
                       +---------+   |    MDA    |     +----------+
                       |  User   |<--| Filtering |<***>|  DMARC   |
                       | Mailbox |   |  Engine   |     | Verifier |
                       +---------+   +-----------+     +----------+


     | Author Domain |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     +---------------+                     .             .        .
         |                                 .             .        .
         V                                 V             V        .
     +------------+     +--------+    +----------+ +----------+   .
     |    MSA     |<****|  DKIM  |    |   DKIM   | |    SPF   |   .
     |  Service   |     | Signer |    | Verifier | | Verifier |   .
     +------------+     +--------+    +----------+ +----------+   .
         |                                    *       *           V
         |                                    *       *     +----------+
         |                                    *************>|  DMARC   |
         |                                            *     | Verifier |
         |                                            *     +----------+
         |                                            *        *
         |                                            * ********
         |                                            * *
         |                                            V V
         V                                      +-----------+
      +------+    (~~~~~~~~~~~~)    +------+    |   MDA     |
      | sMTA |--->( other MTAs )--->| rMTA |--->| Filtering |
      +------+    (~~~~~~~~~~~~)    +------+    |  Engine   |
                                  +---------+        |
                                  |  User   |<-------+
                                  | Mailbox |

Since Murray saw a variant of the latter from me earlier, he won't be
surprised that I prefer it...

5. Policy:

>    A Domain Owner may choose not to participate in DMARC evaluation by

   may -> can

(I'm assume that we don't use normative language to tell people that the
have the right to opt out of a specification...  Hmmm.  Normative
language would actually be contradictory, I think...)

>    Mail Receivers.  In this case, the Domain Owner simply declines to
>    advertise participation in those schemes.  For example, if the
>    results of path authorization checks ought not be considered as part
>    of the overall DMARC result for a given Author Domain, then the
>    Domain Owner does not publish an SPF policy record that can produce
>    an SPF pass result.

The way to opt out of DMARC is to not publish a DMARC record.  So "those
schemes" doesn't make sense to me, nor does the reference to an SPF record.

I think this should say:

     Mail Receivers.  In this case, the Domain Owner simply declines to
     advertise participation.  That is, the Domain Owner does not
     publish a DMARC record in the DNS.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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