On January 22, 2015 1:27:40 PM EST, "Murray S. Kucherawy" <superu...@gmail.com> 
>On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy
>> I am asking the IESG and the ISE what the process is for making such
>> adjustments now.
>> Mainly my resistance to further change comes from the fact that we've
>> last calls of varying kinds on this document more times than I can
>> It really is time to put the non-IETF version to bed and hand it off,
>> with its weaknesses, and let the standards process take it from
>> There's a working group already chartered to do exactly that; in
>fact, that
>> was one of the premises of creating that working group.
>I've consulted with the Area Director sponsoring the document's
>review, and the ISE.  Both of them agree that we will only make changes
>approved by the ISE and only during AUTH48 at this point, and those
>will be
>limited to correcting serious problems that would prevent current DMARC
>implementations from interacting properly.  Anything else can be left
>the DMARC working group on its standards track deliverable.
>An argument can be made that this proposed change qualifies under that
>definition, so please review it and comment as to whether it satisfies
>defect identified, or whether the change is necessary at all.  I will
>assume "yes" unless I hear otherwise.  Again, the diff is here:

I think what's in the diff is correct and a good clarification. I'm not sure 
the problem it fixes qualifies as serious, although the longer this thread goes 
on, the more I lean in that direction. 

Scott K

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