J. Gomez writes:

> given that the "traditional practice of mailing lists adding
> tags to Subject and footers to the message body" breaks DMARC,
> I vote for steam-rolling mailing lists configured old-style
> to the history books. Mailing list operators just need to
> take ownership in the Header-From for the messages whose DKIM
> signature they break, and all is back to working great again!

In most cases it would be inappropriate for mailing lists
to take ownership of the messages.  They are merely the
distribution mechanism, and wrecking (IMHO) the From: header
to avoid a verification failure seems the wrong way to go in
the long run, even if it has had to be adopted as a workaround
in the short run.

As for subject tags and list trailers, at least the former is
really helpful to me as a user (sorry, Dave! ;-) ), as it lets
me know that a given message is in the context of a public or
semi-public discussion.

I'm not against the idea that mailing list software might have to
adapt to the new reality (of the need for protection against
spoofing), even though there will be a lengthy transition period.

But we can also consider whether there are any changes to DKIM
which would enable mailing lists not to break, or at least,
which would not require changes which negatively affect the
user experience for mailing list subscribers.  Please forgive
me if this has been discussed before (it seems inconceivable
to me that it hasn't), but it should be possible to specify
a format for header tags such that the tag is not included in
the DKIM signature check for the Subject: line.

rfc6376 has:

  Note that Verifiers may treat unsigned header fields with
  extreme skepticism, including refusing to display them to
  the end user or even ignoring the signature if it does not
  cover certain header fields.

Would it be so awful to change that to:

  Note that Verifiers may treat unsigned header fields (or
  unsigned parts of header fields) with extreme skepticism,
  including refusing to display them to the end user, displaying
  them with an indication of unreliabiliy, or even ignoring the
  entire signature if it does not cover certain header fields.

So, risking Dave's wrath once again by discussing possible UI
approaches to verification information, if a header tag format
were specified (for example) to be contained within square
brackets, the UI could display the verified part one way,
and the tagged-and-ignored part another way.

I do freely admit that I don't know the implications of
making it possible to sign only part of a given header.
And I suspect that my suggestion may belong more on a DKIM
discussion list than a DMARC discussion list...

Ms. Anne Bennett, Senior Sysadmin, ENCS, Concordia University, Montreal H3G 1M8
a...@encs.concordia.ca                                    +1 514 848-2424 x2285

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