On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:02 PM [GMT+1=CET], Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> From-munging is hardly open-and-shut "philosophically legitimate."  It
> has its advocates, but it sucks for many users because of the way
> their MUAs handle it, it arguably violates RFC 5322, and is ugly to
> boot.

Well, it seems to me the above paragraph could also be written like this: MLM 
taking ownership of the Header-From (a.k.a. "From-munging" in your terms) has 
its detractors, but it works fine for many users who don't have a problem with 
it, arguably conforms to RFC 5322, and looks just nice.

> Bottom line: making indirect mail flows compatible with DMARC-style
> spoof-protection is a hard problem.

It's only a hard problem if mailing list operators insist on clinging to their 
old-style habits (mailing lists users largely either don't care or don't 
understand the difference; and any other indirect email flows --apart from 
mailing lists-- are extremely legacy and obsolete).


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