On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Terry Zink <tz...@exchange.microsoft.com>

> Getting someone to add anything to DNS doesn't work well [3] unless it is
> automated because the majority of people that I work with in the customer
> space don't feel comfortable managing DNS; it is rare that I encounter
> someone who does and these are people who are in charge of email
> infrastructure. This is the exact opposite of most people on this
> discussion list, many of which manage their own zones. For many large
> organizations, there is a slow change-review process. For medium and small
> businesses, they just want it to work and therefore don't change much in
> their DNS unless they are experts, of which there aren't that many in real
> life.

Just to pile on: There are probably security people many large
organizations who would be unthrilled with the notion of automating an
authorization process, which is really what this is.  It might feel to them
a lot like an injection attack, and I would argue they're correct.

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