On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 1:39 PM, Scott Kitterman <skl...@kitterman.com>

> For the umpteenth time, the issue isn't managing a DNS zone.  That's the
> easy
> part.  The hard part is knowing what to put in it.  Many companies, not
> even
> the really big ones, have thousands of domains.  Go publish SPF, DKIM key,
> and
> DMARC records for 4,000 domains and then tell me it's all easy to then
> figure
> out what the right list of authorized forwarders should be for each one.


Also, if one were to interpret the Pareto Principle correctly, it actually
favors the idea that the only things we should consider are the ones the
large operators are willing to adopt, which means it's abundantly clear
that registration protocols -- all of them -- are non-starters at this

P.S.  I'm done on the topic of is keeping a list of forwarders a useful
> solution for the group to work on.  No matter how you wrap it up, it's not.


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