J. Gomez writes:

 > What costs are Mediators currently taking to improve
 > validation/authentication of the email system as a whole?

Isn't it obvious that Mediators bear all of the burden that *both*
ends do?  Of course, we perform both roles on each message.  We verify
signatures and filter messages on the way in, which potentially could
reduce costs system-wide due to the multiplier effect of mailing lists
(except of course nobody trusts us to do it well).  We sign the
version of the message that we send out.  (These are functions of the
MTA, of course, and we can't do a better or worse job than any
Originator or Recipient.  Except that to some extent Mediators may
have information about the Originator that Recipient systems don't,
which may improve filtering.)

What else do you propose that we do?  GNU Mailman has been working
(desultorily) on lists which authenticate posters via personal digital
signatures, but that isn't going to help much.

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