J. Gomez writes:

 >     That would force DMARC-compliant Mediators to reject (or accept
 >     but not resend) incoming email from p=reject domains,
 >     irrespective of whether such mail passes or not the initial
 >     incoming DMARC checks.

Yahoo! and AOL are bigger than MLMs.  MLMs would bear the brunt of
user rage at that treatment.

Really.  We now have a couple of decades of experience.  The big
mailbox providers have our subscribers by the short hairs -- their
Internet reputations are intimately tied to those email addresses.  If
the big provider won't change (and historically they've followed the
principle of throw the garbage in their neighbor's yard and protest
innocence loudly when users question them), then the subscriber/poster
screams at the list owner.  They're typically much less attached to
their ML subscriptions than to their email addresses, and list owners
tend to be much more responsive to their subscribers than big mailbox
providers are.  We have to jump through their hoops, or at least our
list owner constituency thinks they do.

I'm an economist even before I'm an MLM developer, I'm willing to go
with the market if there is no market failure.  But here there is a
failure: email address lock-in.  On many lists, the AOL and Yahoo!
users are a small minority.  If "customer is always right"
considerations mandate catering to their mailbox providers' DMARC
policies, the great majority loses MLM features they value -- but they
are unlikely to kick up a corresponding fuss.

I'm quite sure that the market test will give the answer "knuckle
under", regardless of whether the majority of AOL and Yahoo! users
would prefer to keep the current MLM features or not.  They don't pay
for AOL/Yahoo!/GMail/Hotmail MUA dev costs, so those providers have
very little incentive to respond positively to their requests to
support MLM features better.  And, in fact, they WONTFIX them
regularly (dunno about Hotmail, but GMail is as bad as the others in
this respect).

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