How can you see lower cost for, and and such 
domains to begin to weaken their signed mail streams with v2 signature resigner 
authorization signatures?   That pesky registration problem again.   What if 
the resigner domain decides to change its resigner domain?    How that's the 
feedback get back to the originating domain? 

I believe the dual sig idea is good to be part of a more comprehensive 
solution, not total and nor exclusive,  but more.  It is less secure not matter 
how we look at it, so it is prudent, the more secured, more baseline,  DNS 
query solution be also part of the IE* recommendations. This is especially the 
case when  proposed as a Standard Track protocol.

Let's remember there are two parts of this; verification by two receivers we 
are mostly concern about, and the original signer and its exposed public policy 
 intentions and expectations.

We got working code and a practical solution for those with DNS management.  I 
have ATPS running code both the rev4 and RFC version in a wide network of 
operators.  I have enterprise beta testers what also use openDKIM/openDMARC in 
an integrated SMTP environment where our package serves as an AVS frontend 
relay for them.  So we can do ATPS testing and I plan to recommend and 
illustrate source code change to support ATPSRev4.   It's about support options.

Adding two signatures will take signer engine code change. Once I see p=reject 
domains add support for v2,  I will explore changing code again to support for 
V2 signatures too. Or at least, explore adding verification code since that is 
already in a change flux.

Hector Santos

> On May 18, 2015, at 12:26 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy <> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Dave Crocker <> wrote:
>>    Performing DKIM/SPF validation upon receipt
> There already exist several implementations of each of these, so I would say 
> that they are currently deployed rather widely, making our cost near-zero.  
> Plus, any DMARC operator already has at least one of them going.
>>    DKIM-signing all outbound mail.
> Let's say that's close to zero cost as well.
> One thing absent from your list is conditional signatures, which is John's 
> idea, and is a special case of both of these.  I've implemented it now in 
> libopendkim as a compile-time experimental feature, and it took me about four 
> hours including testing.  I just have to add it to the plugin that uses the 
> library, and it'll be available for others to play with.
> -MSK
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