> > With double signing, you have the ability to distinguish between plain
> > old spammers, and spammers who are screwing around with forwarded
> > mail.  I think that's a useful difference, since it is my impression
> > that the set of malicious mutating forwarders is pretty small because
> > it's a lot of hassle and not a lot of reward.
>Unless you have the user's address book to hand, and can thus target
>your shot with a significantly higher percentage of "successes" than
>random spamming.  That's a significant marketing advantage if you're a
>contract spammer (rather than spamming for your own account), I would

For this to work, you somehow need to persuade the real system to send
you a signed message from the address you're planning to abuse.  That
seems like an implausible amount of work.  If you can get the real system
to send you a message to re-sign, why not just have it send the spam?


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