In article <4878884.yiV4iTtLKX@kitterma-e6430> you write:
>> In authentication service identifiers in EAI-formatted messages, a U-label
>> and its equivalent A-label are considered to be the same.
>As an implementer (who's tried really hard to avoid spending cycles on EAI - 
>sorry), does this translate into "be prepared for UTF-8 in any A-R element 
>that may contain an email address or a domain"?

That's partly it.  IDN domain labels can be in two different forms, a
UTF-8 U-label or an xn--punycode A-label.  It would be a good idea to
treat them as equivalent.  There are translation libraries, and it's
easy to recognize U-labels by checking for the 0x80 bit so this is not
a lot of code.  Having been writing MTA patches to handle EAI better
last week, I say this from experience.


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