On Wed 26/Jun/2019 22:27:46 +0200 Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 4:01 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
>> Appendix D1 of rfc7208 mentions DNSWL as a way to mitigate SPF's 
>> reject-on-fail.  The score attributed to the sender by a trusted DNSWL is 
>> also useful after DATA, thence the need to store that value for
>> downstream filters.>>
>> However, as an authentication method, a DNSWL TXT response can provide a 
>> domain name, which is possibly aligned with From:.  In that sense, this
>> method might be of interest for this WG.  Probably not, but I felt
>> compelled to make sure before trying independent submission.  (Already
>> tried ART.)  The I-D is here:>> 
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vesely-authmethod-dnswl
> With my Designated Expert hat on and co-chair hat off, a procedural point
> here:
> The IANA registry for these is Expert Review, which means you don't have to
> publish an RFC to get it registered.  You can, but it's not necessary if
> your registration request can sufficiently describe what you're doing.  See
> RFC8601 Section 6.2, fourth paragraph.

I just submitted the form attached.  This path seems to be quicker.  Thanks.

Let me paste the parameters, for list readers, and point out that dnswl can
yield a domain name like, e.g., policy.txt=example.com.  Whether the domain
name alignment can be meaningful or not is the reason why this topic appears on
this list.

   | Method | ptype  | property | Value             | Status | Version |
   | dnswl  | dns    | zone     | DNSWL publicly    | active |       1 |
   |        |        |          | accessible query  |        |         |
   |        |        |          | root domain       |        |         |
   | dnswl  | policy | ip       | type A response   | active |       1 |
   |        |        |          | received (or      |        |         |
   |        |        |          | comma-separated   |        |         |
   |        |        |          | list thereof)     |        |         |
   | dnswl  | policy | txt      | type TXT query    | active |       1 |
   |        |        |          | response          |        |         |

                   Table 1: Email Authentication Method

   | ptype | Definition | Description                                  |
   | dns   | [this doc] | The property being reported belongs to the   |
   |       |            | Domain Name System                           |

                Table 2: Email Authentication Property Type

   | Auth    | Code      | Specification                      | Status |
   | Method  |           |                                    |        |
   | dnswl   | pass      | Sender is whitelisted, up to       | active |
   |         |           | returned code interpretation       |        |
   | dnswl   | none      | NXDOMAIN or no record, sender is   | active |
   |         |           | not whitelisted                    |        |
   | dnswl   | temperror | Transient DNS error during the     | active |
   |         |           | query                              |        |
   | dnswl   | permerror | Query cannot work, human           | active |
   |         |           | intervention needed                |        |


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Contact Name:
Alessandro Vesely

Contact Email:

Type of Assignment:
Protocol Registries, Email Authentication Parameters

Email Authentication Method, Property Type, and Result Names

The method is being used by the Courier-MTA mail server.
Registration helps documentation and avoids confusion in case the same names 
are used for different functions.

Additional Info:
(three tables of respectively three, one, and four entries.)

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