In article <> you write:
>Yes.   I believe users are worried about spam, and want to make intelligent 
>decisions about whether or not email
>can be trusted.  Unfortunately, our present software denies them access to the 
>available information needed to make
>intelligent decisions.

When I said our intuitions about UI in the IETF are wrong, this is exactly what 
I had in mind.

As others have said in more detail, there is no evidence that users
make "intelligent" decisions about what is spam, and considerable
evidence that they don't.

We're not saying that users are stupid, beause they aren't. But we are
saying that their intuitions about how to treat their incoming mail
are a poor match for the reality of what's in the mail.

John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

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