On 6/2/20 5:45 PM, Douglas E. Foster wrote:

As to visibility: The business world still runs on Microsoft Outlook, and **Outlook presents the From Address** when a message is read. So it is odd to assert that no one ever sees that data.

[Emphasis added]

Regarding this and a subsequent message in this thread from Ale, that may be true in the message body display, but usually not in folder views. Once the message is opened the body pane may show the full fields or not, but often a hasty or preoccupied user is busy reading and engaging with the content, and it's too late.

Also, I believe this is relatively recent behavior for Outlook. My recollection is that for many years Outlook was notorious for only showing the display name (or perhaps in some cases certain Active Directory fields it looked up) even in the body view. This has changed at some point but I believe it was true during the original DMARC effort, and I believe it was still true while this WG was working on the drafts that led to RFC7489.

However, the versions of Outlook I just checked (Outlook/macOS and Outlook Web Access) do show both rfc5322.From display name and address field in the body view  some of the time, perhaps most of the time -- but not all of the time. Viewing two messages from the same mailing list in OWA, one showed both fields and one only showed the display name. Window size did not appear to be a factor. The same applied for a periodic message sent from a vendor - both fields displayed in Outlook/macOS, only the display name in OWA.

And consider the fact that today mobile devices are the MUA of choice for many/most end users. Mobile MUAs are much less likely to show an rfc5322.From address field even in the message body view.


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