I believe this document provides a path forward for solving this problem, and 
it has relatively low complexity of implementation.

Doug Foster

Current situation

Incoming mail filters options when evaluating mailing list messages:Filter 
evaluates the message as if it is a direct message from the list domain    This 
is the header munging solution that creates problems for the MUA.  This can 
also be achieved if the sender uses SRS encoding of the RFC5321 MailFrom 
address, and the incoming filter does no evaluation of the  “From” header  
address.Filter evaluates the message as if it is a direct message from the 
originator domain, ignoring the evidence that the message came from servers on 
the list domain, but accepting the message as long as it has a verifiable DKIM 
signature for the “From” header address.   This is the situation when a 
DKIM-signed message is relayed without modification.    Messages may be blocked 
by the incoming filter because the list members are viewed as unfamiliar and 
therefore untrusted senders..

An ideal filtering configuration should recognize that there are three 
potential mail flows, not two.    In an ideal world, all three should be 
identifiable uniquely, since the recipient organization may wish to apply 
differential policies:Direct messages from the list domain.Direct messages from 
the originator domain.Forwarded messages from the originator domain through the 

As long as the mailing list applies signature-invalidating changes, Any option 
requires that the incoming filter chooses to given enhanced trust to the list 
domain.  Specific aspects of that trust:The list performs no deception.  Header 
records are relayed legitimately.The list inserts no malicious content.The list 
has reasonable controls on list enrollment.The list has reasonable controls to 
ensure that list submissions are really from the stated email address.The list 
applies its best effort to block content that the recipient systems would find 
objectionable.If objectionable content is detected, the fault should be 
attributed to the originator, not the list domain, so that list message from 
other originators will continue to be accepted.

Once trust is granted to the list, SPF and DKIM checking of the originator 
becomes relaxed:SPF and DKIM checking can be computed using relayed header 
information, because the incoming filter trusts that the headers are not 
fraudulent, orSPF and DKIM checking can be omitted, because the incoming filter 
trusts the controls applied by the list.

A few issues remain:How does the incoming filter prove that the message is 
really from the list, rather than someone spoofing the list?   Since the 
RFC5321 M<ail+From address and theHow does the list know that the incoming 
filter will allow them to bypass From-header rewrite?

Alternate Authentication

I begin by assuming that the incoming mail filter is willing to grant preferred 
treatment to the mailing list, and that this trust is obtained by 
administrative processes external to this document.   In the case of a new 
subscription to a mailing list, the list may send an enrollment notice to the 
subscriber, asking him to request preferred treatment from his email security 
team.   Once that administrative grant has been obtained, the technical side 
can be configured to allow list authentication and originator authentication to 
be performed using alternate algorithms.

I also assume that messages exchanged using an alternate authentication 
algorithm will preserve the originator value for RFC5321 MAILFROM and RFC5322 
“From” header address.   (No SRS encoding.)

For lists, I propose that the list source be verified by applying the LIST-ID 
address to the SPF algorithm. For other types of forwarders, I propose that 
Postmaster@Helodomain be passed o the SPF algorithm.      Checking for a 
verifiable DKIM signature which aligns with those addresses would be an 
additional option, or a cautious incoming filter might require both SPF and 
DKIM to verify.  The configured requirements need not be standardized.  I 
tentatively call this FWDRAUTH – alternate authentication of a forwarder.

Once the forwarding tests have been passed, the incoming filter has a range of 
options for evaluating the originator:No checking – assume that the originator 
was adequately verified by the forwarding system’s controls.DKIM – For messages 
that were not altered during the forwarding process, a DKIM-verified signature 
can be matched to the From header address.Authentication Results Chain – accept 
ARC results provided by the forwarder, describing the tests performed by the 
forwarder when the message was received.Inferred SPF – Parse the received 
header chain to determine when the message entered the forwarding domain, and 
evaluate SPF based on the IP address of the server that submitted the message 
to the forwarder.

Again, the choice of techniques is specific to the incoming filter, and need 
not be standardized.   All that matters is that the incoming filter has the 
capability to evaluate the list and the originator using alternate 
authentication methods.  Collectively, these alternate authentication 
algorithms allow the From address to match the originator without causing 
desired messages to be blocked.

Forwarder Notification

All of the above is useless unless the mailing list or other forwarder knows 
that a particular subscriber can evaluate messages using Alternate 
Authentication, so a signalling technique is needed, in the form of a DNS entry 
, within the recipient domain, that the forwarder can use to verify that the 
recipient domain has the ability to apply alternate authentication.

My current thinking is that this would be as simple as txt=”FWDAUTH v-1”.   It 
seems too complex and too risky for the receiving domain to publish the 
specific lists for which it is willing to apply alternate authentication.   But 
if the forward detects the signal, it can invoke supporting administrative 
processes, including test messages, to determine if the alternate 
authentication method is successful.

Changes required for implementation:At least some email recipient filters would 
need to implement the code for alternate authentication, then publish the DNS 
entry to indicate that it is available.MLMs would need to track which approach 
to use for each recipient:   For recipients that can use the alternate 
authentication method, messages would be sent without header munging.   For 
recipients that do not use the alternate authentication method, header munging 
would still be needed.

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