There are some basic principles that need to be considered:.

DMARC did not break mailing list privileges, unwanted mail did.

A fully legitimate message has these characteristics:
Intended by the originatorAcceptable to the policies of the domain owner, which 
are partially implemented in its outbound mail filterDesired by the 
recipientAcceptable to the recipient domain owner, as partially implemented in 
its inbound mail filter.
One example of a message that is not acceptable to the originator is a message 
spoofed by an authorized server.   This is one of the problems addressed by 

More specifically, what characteristics make a message acceptable to the 
A recognized / trusted senderA message which looks like previous-good messagesA 
message with no identifiable risk factors.
To elaborate, incoming mail filters separate mail into three buckets:
Probably unwantedUnknown and hopefully harmlessDefinitely wanted

The administrators of the incoming mail filter will be continually seeking to 
move traffic from bucket 2 to bucket 1 or bucket 3, so a strategy based on 
bucket 2 is not guaranteed to work indefinitely.

>From the viewpoint of the inbound mail filter, forwarded mail is 
>indistinguishable from spoofed mail using an open relay.   In a world where 
>all mail was wanted mail, mailing lists could do what they want.  But we are 
>not on Arpanet anymore, and unwanted mail is a huge problem.

If a mailing list is violating DMARC, it is likely to be put in bucket 1.   
Once one message ends up in bucket 1, all messages from that source are likely 
to be blocked as well.

For a sender to be promoted from bucket 1 to bucket 2, messages need to 
distinguish themselves from untrusted email.   Preserving DKIM signatures is 
one way of doing so.  Header munging is another way of doing so.

To move into bucket 3, the forwarder needs to obtain a sponsor to negotiate 
with the recipient organization's email security team..

For two messages from the same forwarder to land in the same bucket, both 
messages must have similar qualifying characteristics.

An Example

Consider the risk profile of a request to auto-forward from UserA@DomainA to 

This request could reflect a range of behaviors from low risk to high risk.
UserB actually wants the forward to occur.UserB is the accidental victim of a 
typing error.UserA is going to be used as a proxy to attack UserB.Forwarding to 
UserB is contrary to DomainA policy because it is likely to permit violation of 
DomainA's regulatory obligations under GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley or 
something else.Forwarding to UserB is in conflict with DomainB policy for 
whatever reason.UserA is an inside attacker seeking to exfiltrate data to an 
external accomplice.
So both DomainA and DomainB administration have reasons to be involved in this 
request.   Even for legitimate requests, DomainA does not want to forward 
traffic to DomainB if it is unwanted, since unwanted mail may impact the 
reputation of DomainA, and likely cause unwanted blacklisting of other messages.

Therefore, the wisest procedure is as follows:
DomainA detects the forward request and begins an approval workflow.DomainA 
reviews the request to see if they are willing to grant internal 
approval.Postmaster@DiomainA contacts UsersB@DomainB asking them to submit the 
request to their email security team for approval.Administrators for DomainA 
and DomainB communicate to discuss the administrative controls at DomainA as 
well as the fingerprint characteristics of the incoming mail.Upon approval, 
DomainB administration gives DomainA administration permission to proceed.  
DomainA activates the forwarding and notifies the user.DomainA monitors the 
outbound mailstream for deliverability and terminates the forwarding if 
repeated failures occur, or upon request from DomainB administration or 
I suspect most mailing systems would need a lot of new code to implement a 
workflow like this, but my perspective is limited and may be wrong.

The mailing list scenario is not much different, except that the request 
process begins when UserB@DomainB attempts to subscribe to the mailing list, 
and the approval process involves both the handling of messages coming from the 
list as well as messages going to the list.

The process may be limited by the features of the DomainB email filter.   
Without header munging, fingerprinting the mailing list will require combining 
the list headers with forward confirmed host names, or something along those 
lines.    Low-end email filters may be unable to filter on list name, or filter 
on multiple attributes together.

Getting prior approval will be a lot of work, and i wonder how many lists will 
be willing to try.     In the absence of prior approval, I see no solution 
better than header munging.   Header munging is an inferior solution because 
neither sender policies nor receiver policies are evaluated or respected, but 
it is the path of least resistance.

dmarc mailing list

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