On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 6:32 PM Dave Crocker <dcroc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If end users do not reliably make trust decisions based on /any/ of the
> information in the rfc5322.From field, then how is this question
> important.  It seems to be seeking precise data about something that
> isn't even secondary.

Google strikes me as the kind of place that would make a decision about
what to show users based on data, so I was wondering if they have any,
because I seem to remember them talking about this back when DMARC was in

While I'm intrigued by the discussion about the domain name isn't visible
and thus may not be as important to protect as we originally thought, I'm
less convinced by the notion that all of the RFC5322.From is disregarded by
the preponderance of users when deciding what level of trust to put in the
message's content.  That suggests we blindly open and read absolutely
everything, and I suspect that isn't the case.

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