On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 1:28 PM Brandon Long
<blong=40google....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> Do sms/mms programs show the phone number any more?  I think there's been a 
> deliberate strategy to make email clients more like
> other messaging clients, and the technical parts like the actual address are 
> details that most of the time aren't useful to the user... when
> they're not being spoofed, of course, or otherwise need to differentiate 
> between multiple addresses for the same person.

I think you're right about how non-email messaging clients have
influenced email.

But even in email, Microsoft's Outlook, with its roots as an
intraoffice memo client, has shown only display name as far back as I
know, except when Internet mail comes in with a From header that has
no display name to show. For all its quirks, Outlook is the only
client I can think of that shows the content of the RFC5322 Sender
header, even if it is in the peculiar "x on behalf of y" notation,
which shows display name when there is one and address otherwise.

But we are digressing into a proposal for an Internet Email Client standard.

Joseph Brennan
Lead, Email and Systems Applications

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