Hi Tim and all,

I am wondering whether companies like Dmarcian could implement third-pary 
whitelisting.  As they receive and analyze DMARC aggregate reports on behalf of 
many mail sites, they probably are able to distinguish various level of 
authentication failures, from mailing lists to misaligned ESPs, to actual 
abusers.  In that case, they could maintain a whitelist tailored for any given 
client.  The client would set, say:

_dmarc.client.domain.example IN TXT "v=DMARC1; 
rua=mailto:client...@ag.dmarcian.com; snd=client-id.rhswl.dmarcian.com; [...]"

A receiver seeing a failed From: user@client.domain.example, but an 
authenticated Sender: whate...@example.com could check authorization by 
querying the following record:

example.com.client-id.rhswl.dmarcian.com IN A

If the record exists, the sender is authorized.  That way, a Dmarcian client 
can run for some time with p=none.  Meanwhile Dmarcian fills the client's 
whitelist based on misaligned authentications and the client's desiderata.  
When the list is complete and receivers upgraded, the client can switch to 
p=reject or whatever they like.

Delivery would still lag in case, say, users subscribe to mailing lists not yet 
whitelisted, unless we make provisions for whitelisting requests to be 
submitted at subscription time.

For domain names longer than 200 octects (punycode), a whitelist may replace 
the domain name with a hash, รก la ATPS.

The above setting overcomes the diagnosed non-trivial upkeep which prevented 
the diffusion of previous schemes.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] third party authorization, not, was non-mailing list
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 21:18:29 GMT
From: Douglas E. Foster <fosterd=40bayviewphysicians....@dmarc.ietf.org>
Reply-To: fost...@bayviewphysicians.com
To: dmarc@ietf.org <dmarc@ietf.org>

My two cents.

1) What has changed since 2012 is DMARC, including the ability through DMARC to 
obtain feedback.  "New ATPS" would have to be implemented as a DMARC option, 
not a new thing.

2) A lot of organizations seem to be stick at p=none.   Maybe that means they 
want it that way.   Maybe it means that they are being courteous to mailing 
lists.   But maybe it means something about DMARC is too hard.   I am assuming 
that all of the problems with DMARC are related to third-party authorization, 
and something needs to be done to make it easier.

3) Delegation with an ATPS-type email entry seems functionally equivalent to 
DKIM scope delegation, with several benefits:
Easier and cheaper for the third-party to implement.   The third-party only 
needs to apply its own domain's signature.   Simpler means quicker 
implementation.  Private keys are never exchanged.

Third-party is only responsible for its own key.    A big organization like 
Constant Contact or SendGrid could end up holding hundreds of thousands of DKIM 
keys, and that becomes an attractive target for attackers.  If a delegated DKIM 
key store is stolen from a third party, the attacker knows every domain that 
has been compromised.   If an ATPS-delegated third party has a corporate DKIM 
key stolen, the attacker knows that he has struck pay-dirt, but he does not 
have an immediate enumeration of compromised organizations..   That enumeration 
will require an additional data collection process, which might buy time for 
the affected organizations to take evasive measures.

An ATPS-type scope delegation could be designated for a specific user, which I 
assume will represents an application. ("SMTP address must be 
applicationname@vendordomain").   This information is something that the 
receiving system can enforce and report.   It is a weak enforcement tool, but 
limiting scope of delegation seems likely to satisfy some of the auditor 
concerns associated with any third-party delegation.  This is also a new ideas 
relative to the original ATPS.   Of course, a domain level delegation should 
also be an option for situations that the authorizing domain deems appropriate. 
 ("SMTP address must be *@vendordomain")

ATPS-type delegations could be given a pre-defined expire date (if specified 
with that feature).  This would be particularly appropriate where a third-party 
authorization is linked to a time-limited contract.   When the contract lapses, 
the authorization lapses, unless both the contract and the DNS entry are 
renewed.   This limits risk associated with the possibility of 
delegated-but-forgotten authorizations.   DKIM delegations are always 
good-til-cancelled (by removing the DNS public key).

Both DKIM and ATPS can be revoked easily, subject only to the limits of DNS 

DKIM delegation becomes impossible if the third-party is not cooperative.   
ATPS-type delegation can be done unilaterally by the owning domain.    I am 
thinking of Proofpoint in particular.   They violate my DMARC policy when my 
users, who are non-clients, respond to a secure message from one of their 
clients.   Author self-copies arrive at my gateway looking like spoof, but I 
can fix this with local policy.   When my user uses reply-all to a message with 
many recipients, those other domains will see my p=reject, which may mean that 
messages are not delivered and my user does not know that it happened.   Maybe 
all those other domains will have a Proofpoint exception as well, impossible to 
say.   Maybe Proofpoint will begin header munging, but they have not done so 
So the big benefit for DKIM is the i= clause, but I think the sender-limiting 
potential with ATPS is superior to the impersonation-limiting capability of 
DKIM.   Besides, it seems generally agreed that i= has very limited use.   On 
all other risk-management concerns, an ATPS -type signature seems preferable.

Implementation obstacles and notes:

When a domain implements an ATPS signature, it must set the corresponding DMARC 
policy to p=none.  Otherwise, sites that are DMARC-aware but ATPS-blind will 
block ATPS-authoized transactions.   Consequently, this option will only 
interest organizations that are currently at p=none or that have no DMARC 

If a new feature such as ATPS is implemented, senders have a problem knowing 
whether their recipients understand it or not.   This dilemma would be helped 
if recipients published a DNS token to indicate that they understand the new 
feature.   Some will consider this inappropriate information disclosure, 
although I am currently having a hard time seeing the risk in the release of 
that information.    By and large, senders will want confidence that the new 
feature is widely deployed before they will begin depending on it for outbound 
delivery.    In the absence of recipient reporting, change may never happen.

Doug Foster

From: "Murray S. Kucherawy" <superu...@gmail.com>
Sent: 8/19/20 2:38 PM
To: "Kurt Andersen (b)" <kb...@drkurt.com>
Cc: "dmarc@ietf.org" <dmarc@ietf.org>, Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it>
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] third party authorization, not, was non-mailing list
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 10:11 AM Kurt Andersen (b) <kb...@drkurt.com> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 1:34 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
On Tue 18/Aug/2020 01:21:33 +0200 Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> The industry in general, and the IETF in particular, have chosen not
> to pursue widespread use of any kind of standards-based third party
> domain signature policy or reputation system. . .

> Both ATPS (individual submission, experimental, February 2012) and the
> REPUTE series of documents (working group, standards track, late 2013)
> saw nearly zero adoption after publication even when free reference
> implementations were provided.  They differ from basic DKIM in that
> they require non-trivial upkeep, and that appears to be a step
> function inhibiting adoption among operators.

We can still try again.  In particular, the non-trivial upkeep seems
to be a valid diagnosis.

Is there anything which has materially changed between 2012-13 and 2020 which 
would indicate that the anticipated results for such effort would be any 

+1.  If anyone has some kind of creativity in this space that they've been 
hiding, now's the time.


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