Which could trivially be added as an extension to DKIM and Auth-Res negating the need for the Seal altogether since DKIM can directly sign the old (renamed) auth-res. I can understand for an experiment not wanting to touch dkim or auth-res, but for something standards track less is more.

I still don't get it. I suppose the ARC group could have done something to register extra tags for DKIM-Signature and A-R and tried to do something about the fact that if a message passes through the same network twice, the first A-R will be deleted, and try and find and turn off all of the places where mailing lists helpfully delete DKIM signatures that no longer are valid, and what they came up with wouldn't work a whole lot worse than ARC does.

But why bother? The IANA header field registry currently has 419 entries. Why is it a crisis if it increases to 422 rather than 420?

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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