On Wed 27/Jan/2021 21:10:37 +0100 Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 9:26 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

AFAIUI, there's no reason why SPF would work with a logic substantially
different than DKIM's.  DKIM can provide n identifiers, if one of them is
aligned and "pass", then DMARC is "pass".  SPF can provide 2 identifiers
but one of them is of class B.  WTF?

DKIM (in its simplest form) returns N tuples of the form (d= domain,
pass/fail).  All of them were run through exactly the same check; all of
them were attached to the message in exactly the same way; all of them have
essentially identical semantics.  Giving them equal footing makes sense to

The two identifiers in SPF hold different places in the SMTP session, and
have different semantics.  I think treating them differently is also just

It is relevant that both identifier come from /the same/ SMTP session. That's not true for many DKIM signatures.

In addition, as I said, SPF filters are likely to report HELO as helo and MAIL FROM as mailfrom. If we want to carry over this quirk, the spec must
say that a DMARC filter which gathers SPF authentication status from an
upstream filter MUST make sure that mailfrom is empty before validating
based on an aligned helo. >
...or it doesn't evaluate against SPF at all in such a situation.

Dropping SPF altogether is too much. I'm querying about dropping just the idiosyncrasy...

Dropping that absurd discrimination between SPF identifiers would make
for a smoother spec.  Since non-null mailfroms are in most cases aligned
with either From: or helo, the differences between existing compliant
implementations and the smoother spec would be limited to a hardly
noticeable set of test messages. >
I don't think we should ignore what those two identifiers mean, how likely
they are to contain junk, how they are applied, outside of DMARC, etc.

How is that different from d= identifiers?


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