On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 4:13 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

> > DKIM (in its simplest form) returns N tuples of the form (d= domain,
> > pass/fail).  All of them were run through exactly the same check; all of
> > them were attached to the message in exactly the same way; all of them
> have
> > essentially identical semantics.  Giving them equal footing makes sense
> to
> > me.
> >
> > The two identifiers in SPF hold different places in the SMTP session, and
> > have different semantics.  I think treating them differently is also just
> > fine.
> It is relevant that both identifier come from /the same/ SMTP session.
> That's
> not true for many DKIM signatures.

I guess if report consumers really want this information, we can include
it.  I just don't see the value in the HELO parameter if it's effectively
random junk in the session.  At least a passing DKIM signature is
associated with a domain that existed at some point in time and whose DNS
contained apparently-valid public keys.  I can mostly type anything I want
to HELO or EHLO.

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