The simple solution if From: rewriting.
I think you misspelled "ugly kludge" there.

Yes, I know about that list of ugly kludges, since I wrote it.

Note that forwarders should always rewrite the bounce address, for SPF.

Mailing lists put on their own bounce addresses so they can do bounce >> 
They've been doing that for about 40 years.  That's not a kludge, that's >> how
mailing lists work.

I agree that replacing the bounce address has a VERP logic which predates SPF.

Mailing lists were changing the bounce address long before VERP was invented. It's how they work.

From: rewriting is a kludge, and it's how mailing lists work.

No maiing list rewrote From: until AOL and Yahoo abused DMARC and people invented the kludge to sort of work around it.

The whole point of ARC is so that lists and other forwarders *don't* have to do ugly kludges so I don't understand the point of this discussion.

With ARC you have to distinguish cases (a), (b), (c), and (d).

Well, you can hope, but as you know, there's no guarantees when you're sending mail.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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