Consensus on Tree Walk?

A comment in the minutes suggested that consensus was forming around Tree
Walk for Policy Discovery.   I do not have that impression.  Instead, the
"strongly favor" and "strongly oppose" voices seem about equal, with the
balance determined by those who, like myself, are tepidly in favor.

Does Tree Walk eliminate the PSL?

I am concerned that support for Tree Walk is driven by antipathy to the
PSL, rather than for the functional capabilities that Tree Walk provides.
The PSL is needed for alignment, which is essential to the determination of
the PASS or FAIL result.  Eliminating use of the PSL for policy discovery
is trivial unless it is also replaced for alignment.    We have discussed
three options for alignment:

·         The list which has conspicuous limitations.

·         Downward-only alignment, which has been rejected as incompatible
with current practice.

·         DNS flags, a topic which was apparently not pursued during the

Do Complex Organizations want policy flexibility?

Granular DMARC policies can be achieved under DMARCv1 by using many policy
records with p=<value>.   Tree walk simplifies that process by allowing
intermediate subtrees to be configured using sp=<value> policies.    We
need input from complex organizations to indicate whether this capability
is something that they would value and use.

Do we want to provide a sub-tree alignment option?

Suppose that “” does not want any other part of “” to be sending emails on their behalf, so they want to limit
alignment to their sub-tree only.   This approach becomes feasible if (a)
we use tree walk and (b) we implement a clause which indicates “top of tree
for alignment purposes”.    I suspect that this would have some appeal to
parts of some universities and other complex organizations, but again we
would need those organizations to affirm that it would be useful.

Doug Foster

On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 9:40 AM Barry Leiba <> wrote:

> Minutes from the DMARC session at IETF 112 are posted on the meeting
> materials page:
> Direct link to the minutes:
> Corrections are welcome.
> Barry
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