Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
My analysis is rather different but comes to a stronger statement of John's point.

Mailing lists are not well supported by SMTP and never will be. Any discussion of how to make mailing lists work better has to begin with the acceptance that they will never work very well which is what most people have been arguing in this thread.
Hmm... seems to me that mailing lists have been a staple of Internet world, since about a few days after Ray Tomlinson sent the first ARPANET email.  The IETF still runs on email lists.  So do most open source projects.  Not to mention business teams.

And for most of those years, it's been basic SMTP based email. Nothing has yet supplanted it.  Not NNTP.  Not Atom.  Not the myriad of web forums.

One might better argue that SMTP might be due for some enhancemnet - to better support email lists.  (And, in some sense, it has - what with the various standard headers for propagating list management information.)

The arguments re. DMARC are that it BREAKS stuff that used to work, while not doing much to solve the problem it's intended to solve.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.
Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined:
nothing works and no one knows why.  ... unknown

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