On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 4:30 PM Scott Kitterman <skl...@kitterman.com>

> I think "a" would be cleanest, but I think it would cause too much
> backward
> compatibility trouble and should not be further considered.  In previous
> working group discussions on this I recall specific suggestions that this
> would
> be problematic and this is supported by the short survey that Elizabeth
> Zwicky
> reported on.

The problem with what Elizabeth shared, and I do appreciate her sharing it,
is that what she shared doesn't show the extent of the variety of behaviors
in those "sibling" relationships. Because those are undocumented and not
understood AND it isn't even clear that those relationships and behaviors
are what is intended by the "standard", serious questions are raised.  Can
a "standard" that allows a variety of undocumented non-standard behaviors
(and outcomes) be considered a standard? The details behind some of the
examples given by Elizabeth indicate potential abuse vectors beyond my
original concerns. Unfortunately, the receiving organizations most able to
provide detailed examples are unlikely to provide them publicly due to
privacy concerns, embarrassing customers, etc. It might be useful if an
organization like M3AAWG could process detailed examples from
members,obfuscate the organizational information and share it publicly as
an aggregation of examples to inform a better standards creation process.

Michael Hammer
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