On Mon 08/Aug/2022 14:45:25 +0200 John Levine wrote:
Actually, small receivers can simply trust selected, DMARC-aligned mailing lists and restore the original From: in the cases where MLM saved it (w/o ARC).  This kind of hack could be set up really quick. >
Please please can we stop doing this.  Trying to unmunge rewritten From: headers is totally out of scope for this group, and even if it weren't it does not scale

Symptomatic treatment is out of scope?

Telling people to screw up their lists to avoid damage we caused is blaming the victim.  To make an overwrought analogy, it's like the politicians in the US telling schools to add reinforced steel doors to keep out crazy people with guns.

Not quite. Lists are already screwed up, AFAICS. The disturbing symptom is the munged From: address.

Why doesn't it scale?

Because there are more ways for a forwarder to change a message than you or I can describe.

That critic applies to my draft, not to unmunging in general. The only change we care about here is the From: field. While there are many ways to munge it, there is a simple way to restore it:

IF message is dmarc=pass AND From: domain belongs to $MAILING_LIST_SET
   IF Author: is set
      RENAME From: Munged-From:
      COPY Author: From:

Et voilà!

Isn't that exactly the same problem that ARC poses?

It's similar, but the difference is that ARC actually deals with the problem and this doesn't.  ARC answers the question the recipients care about, "was this message aligned before it was forwarded?"  Your approach doesn't, and can't if the original message was aligned using SPF.

ARC's added value is only meaningful for receivers whose reputation system is so sophisticated that that info matters. That is, for global mailbox providers.


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