On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 4:25 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

> On Wed 24/Aug/2022 07:56:41 +0200 Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> > I believe your "policy is useful when present but not required" remark
> is a
> > re-statement of your claim that DMARC should yield a "pass" for any
> aligned
> > identifier irrespective of the presence or absence of a published policy.
> The theory thus far was that dmarc=fail calls for possibly make a
> decision.
>   Does dmarc=pass bear different values depending on the policy?

I can't answer that question any better than you can.

> > However, the charter, at paragraph 4, demands that any change made by
> this
> > working group which does not preserve compatibility with the deployed
> base
> > has to be justified.  If suddenly the absence of a published policy can
> > result in a DMARC "pass" or "fail" when this was not previously the
> case,
> > and this results in different handling decisions by receivers, I would
> say
> > compatibility has not been preserved.
> We already made a change by allowing a default policy.  DMARC records in
> the installed base were illegal if they had no p= tag.  So, at this time,
> we are discussing of the difference between a record saying just v=DMARC1
> and no record at all.
> [...]

I don't see how that's relevant to the point I'm making.

> The working group is able to make that change, but (a) consensus must
> exist
> > to do so, and (b) we need to justify the resulting potential disruption
> > adequately.
> I see no disruption.

If DMARC implementations suddenly start reporting a "pass" or "fail" where
previously they reported a "none", and receiver decisions change
unexpectedly as a result, I don't see how we can gloss that over as not
being potentially disruptive.

Anyway, we should fix Authentication-Results:, because it is currently not
> clear enough.  For example: say the filter can be configured to enable
> DMARC or not (possibly on a per-domain base).  Now a message gets
> dmarc=fail with p=quarantine.  This has to be enacted by downstream
> agents,
> after the SMTP session is over.  The rMDA filter must then know if
> quarantining is enabled.  What is the A-R?

I don't see how this is relevant either, and it should probably get its own

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