On Wed 24/Aug/2022 17:11:30 +0200 Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 4:25 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
On Wed 24/Aug/2022 07:56:41 +0200 Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

However, the charter, at paragraph 4, demands that any change made by this working group which does not preserve compatibility with the deployed base has to be justified. If suddenly the absence of a published policy can result in a DMARC "pass" or "fail" when this was not previously the case, and this results in different handling decisions by receivers, I would say compatibility has not been preserved. >>
We already made a change by allowing a default policy. DMARC records in the installed base were illegal if they had no p= tag. So, at this time, we are discussing of the difference between a record saying just v=DMARC1 and no record at all.


I don't see how that's relevant to the point I'm making.

Preserving compatibility?

The working group is able to make that change, but (a) consensus must exist to do so, and (b) we need to justify the resulting potential disruption adequately. >>
I see no disruption.

If DMARC implementations suddenly start reporting a "pass" or "fail" where previously they reported a "none", and receiver decisions change unexpectedly as a result, I don't see how we can gloss that over as not being potentially disruptive.

Heck, many new domains defining a DMARC record after Proposed Standard would have the same impact.

Consider that determining dmarc=fail without alignment checks is quite unlikely.


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