> On Wed 24/Aug/2022 21:40:20 +0200 Barry Leiba wrote:
> >
> > I think “SHOULD do what the domain owner says” is too strong, and
> > propose to change it.  By making it that strong we vary from the
> > policy that recipients use all the input they have to make their
> > handling decision, and we tell them that using this input alone is
> > normatively required for interoperability/security.  I think that’s
> > wrong.
> >
> > I suggest this alternative text:
> >
> > NEW
> >     A Mail Receiver implementing the DMARC mechanism gets the Domain
> >     Owner’s or PSO's published DMARC Domain Owner Assessment Policy
> >     when a message fails the DMARC test, and uses it as an important
> >     factor in deciding how to handle the message.
> I agree that blindly following the remote policy is a hazard.  (Personally,
> I enable that on a restricted set of domains only.)  However, the above
> text is too generic and slightly inexact.  You actually get the policy
> /before/ concluding the evaluation.  DMARC result is an important factor
> also if it is a pass or a none.
> The above snippet can be skipped.

The above snippet is just a slight change to what was already there,
and I think it's useful to keep it... but I think I did change the
sense of it when I rephrased it.  In the original, "when a message
fails the DMARC test" was attached to the action that the receiver
should take.  In mine, that attachment is lost.

Maybe this rewording works better?:

   A Mail Receiver implementing the DMARC mechanism gets the
   Domain Owner’s or PSO's published DMARC Domain Owner Assessment
   Policy and uses it as an important factor in deciding how to
   handle the message. When a message fails the DMARC test, Mail
   Receivers should make a best-effort attempt to comply with the
   published policy, but email streams can be complicated (due to
   forwarding, existing RFC5322.From domain-spoofing services,
   etc.) and Mail Receivers may have other information that can
   inform their decisions.

   When Mail Receivers deviate from a published Domain Owner
   Assessment Policy during message processing they SHOULD make
   available the fact of and reason for the deviation to the Domain
   Owner via feedback reporting, specifically using the
   "PolicyOverride" feature of the aggregate report defined in

I think that retains the connection that I lost in the first attempt.


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