sorry if it sounded like I was pushing back. The short version is - no I
don't have any big concerns. But if we discover something, we'll let you
know ASAP.

The longer version:
Regarding #1: what I've seen in our data matches your observation. It is a
small subset of cases where there would be a change in DMARC policy.
Regarding #2: I don't (yet) have an exhaustive evaluation for this on our
end. I think we can make assumptions that always makes a more secure
assumption and in the rare cases that is not inline with the sender's
intentions - we would have to deal with that.

I think that sticking with v=DMARC1 vs changing it to v=DMARC2 both have
pros and cons. And based on all the discussions I don't think there is an
objectively preferred way (when we consider the PSL tree walk only) since
it depends on what each of us value.
I've always said that I think changing the version is preferred based on
what I value - but if the consensus is to not do that - I understand and
will support that decision too.

If we add the removal of SPF from DMARC I think that is similar to the PSL
tree walk discussion. That could be done both with or without a version
change I think. Depending on what you value - one is preferred over the

I got a response from JohnL privately and apparently the VLMP he mentioned
is not Google so my clarification was not needed. But I think it is good
that we got our standpoint clarified to avoid misunderstandings.

On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 5:41 PM Barry Leiba <> wrote:

> Keep in mind that we have looked at this extensively, and what we've
> found is this:
> 1. Almost all [1] of the DMARC senders out there will see the same
> results when recipients look them up using the tree walk as they have
> using the PSL.  In other words, the change will be different an
> *extremely* small set of DMARC domains.
> 2. In *all* -- by that I mean 100% -- of the cases that we've actually
> *seen* where there's a difference, the difference is *better*: that
> is, the difference is a better reflection of the intent of the sending
> domain.
> 3. We can find theoretical cases where the tree walk will be *worse*:
> that is, where the PSL is a better reflection of the intent than the
> tree walk is.  But *all* of these are theoretical, and we have not
> found *any* such cases that actually exist in the real world.  It is,
> though, possible that they do exist.
> Emil, given those three points, do you still think you need to be
> concerned about the risk of making the change?
> Barry
> [1] In mathematics, we use "almost all" as an actual technical term
> that applies to an infinite set and means "all but a finite number",
> since removing a finite number of entries from an infinite set still
> leaves an infinite set.  That's kind of what I mean here.  That is,
> the vast, vast, VAST majority.
> On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 12:26 AM Emil Gustafsson
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Not sure if I am that someone mentioned. In case I am - I'd like to
> clarify what I meant;
> >
> > Without a version change for the tree-walk, I think we (Google) would
> need to support both approaches (the old one plus the tree-walk) and based
> on what we see - make a best guess which version we should use.
> > Having two explicit versions still means we have two implementations,
> but at least we don't have to guess which one to use whenever there would
> be ambiguity with a single version.
> >
> > I'm always concerned about what bad people do to gain an advantage. But
> in this case I'm more worried about somebody having an ambiguous DMARC
> setup where VLMPs end up guessing the wrong intention. The most likely
> outcome there would be rejected emails and an upset sender the VLMP need to
> deal with. But atleast they are not spoofed. I think explicit versioning
> helps mitigate that risk too (but it wont help companies making bad
> configurations - but that we always have to live with).
> >
> > /E
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 10:21 AM John Levine <> wrote:
> >>
> >> It appears that Tobias Herkula  <> said:
> >> >However, such a fundamental shift in the protocol's architecture
> warrants a clear signifier. I suggest we upgrade
> >> >our DMARC version string from the current state to 'DMARC2.' This
> upgrade would not only denote the change of SPF
> >> >removal, but also the switch from the Public Suffix List (PSL) to the
> Tree-Walk algorithm.
> >>
> >> I was talking with someone from a Very Large Mail Provider who told me
> that
> >> if we keep the same version number, they won't change what they do now,
> so
> >> no tree walk even if we keep SPF.
> >>
> >> They understand that as things stand now, the results of the PSL and
> >> the tree walk are in practice the same. Their concern is that if some
> >> people do it the old way and some the new, and you can't tell which
> >> the domain expects, bad guys will create records with deliberately
> >> inconsistent results.
> >>
> >> I'm not sure how likely that is, but arguing with a gorilla rarely
> >> turns out well.  I will see if I can talk to people at other VLMPs
> >> and see how widespread this concern is.
> >>
> >> R's,
> >> John
> >>
> >> PS: If we do bump the version number, it needs to go into the
> >> aggregate reports, too.
> >>
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> >> dmarc mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
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> >
> >
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