On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 1:39 PM Hector Santos <hsantos=
40isdg....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> On 8/3/2023 2:07 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 9:47 AM Hector Santos
> > <hsantos=40isdg....@dmarc.ietf.org
> > <mailto:40isdg....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:
> >
> >        - I mentioned using the deprecated SUBMITTER/PRA
> >     (RFC4405/RFC4407)
> >     protocols as an implementation detail to access the author's DMARC
> >     policy at the SMTP "MAIL FROM" stage. Wei expressed interest in
> >     this
> >     idea. This could also enhance the "auth=" idea to help manage local
> >     policy SPF -ALL handling. Should SMTP immediately reject? The
> >     PRA at
> >     SMTP could aid this decision for SPF -ALL policies. Based on many
> >     years of implementation, it's evident that many mailers are either
> >     identical or are using the same software that supports
> >     possibly due to ongoing support for the deprecated SenderID
> >     (RFC4406)
> >     protocol.  [...]
> >
> >
> > Can you or Wei spell this out a little more?  What could a list
> > subscriber do with this algorithm that we don't have today?
> >
> > The issue we're facing in a DMARC world isn't determining who the
> > original sender is, but rather that with broken signatures, we can't
> > prove it to DMARC's satisfaction.  I'm not clear on how your idea
> > fixes that.
> >
> The utilization of SUBMITTER/PRA protocols possibly can help manage
> situations where SPF fails before any DKIM information is accessible.
> This strategy provides SPF processors with preliminary DMARC policy
> data, potentially mitigating the impact of SPF hard-fail situations.
> The advantages of this approach are especially clear when SPF fails,
> but DMARC can help to temper the initial rejection.

Nope. A real big NOPE! There is a reason that SUBMITTER/PRA and SENDER-ID
are deprecated.

> Through the SUBMITTER/PRA, it's possible to ascertain the presence of
> a DMARC p=none or an auth=dkim, giving operators the choice to delay
> immediate rejection and verify DKIM instead.

This is absolutely false. There is no way to validate a relationship
between the From email address which DMARC is based on and the
SUBMITTER/PRA, which can be any arbitrary email address. Back in the day
when Harry Katz and Craig Spiezle from Microsoft were pushing Sender-ID, I
used to drive them a bit crazy by sending them emails with their email
addresses in the From and my email address as the SUBMITTER/PRA. Guaranteed
to get a neutral every time rather than a fail. Please stop pushing this.

To the chairs, I ask that pushing a deprecated approach which has
previously been shown to be hopelessly broken (even Microoft stopped
pushing it) be ruled off topic and out of scope.

> In the context of a mailing list, using a SUBMITTER in the
> distribution can prove useful. For instance, a list might not need to
> rewrite if it identifies an auth=spf for the domain, allowing it to
> function as a resigner although the original domain integrity was
> broken.   There might be a  auth=arc which ARC is needed for pass
> broken 1st party signature.

How does one differentiate between a random mail list and other possibly
malicious intermediaries? Is there a list of "acceptable" mailing lists? If
a list isn't implementing email authentication practices itself, how does
one trust any given list to be acting "on behalf" of a sending domain that
has published p=reject? Why is your proposal better than rewriting or lists
deciding not to accept mail from domains publishing p=reject?

> I know this is out of scope, but legacy scenarios may included
> checking for the 'atps=y' tag and check for an ATPS DNS authorization
> record for the resigner domain. There still many domains who don't use
> DMARC but instead still have ADSP dkim=all to expose a mail policy -
> "Expect all my mail to be signed."

You acknowledge that your proposals are out of scope but insist on wasting
the working group participants time by repeatedly bringing them up.

I again call on the Chairs to shut down out of scope discussions.

Michael Hammer

> However, at present, the most plausible use-case appears to be the
> addition of delayed SPF rejection scenarios through DMARC evaluation.
> Essentially, SUBMITTER/PRA serves as an optimizer and a mechanism to
> soften the impact of SPF -ALL policies.
> The approach might work as follows:
> - If SPF fails and the Submitter indicates p=reject, then reject
> (comes with its acceptable problems)
> - If SPF fails, the Submitter specifies p=reject and auth=dkim, then
> proceed to transfer the payload and evaluate DKIM
> - If SPF fails and the Submitter signifies p=none, then continue with
> payload transfer
> - If SPF fails and the Submitter designates p=quarantine, then proceed
> with payload transfer
> SUBMITTER may help align SPF with its original DMARC purpose—combining
> SPF+DKIM results while keeping with some level of optimization.
> --
> Hector Santos,
> https://santronics.com
> https://winserver.com
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