On Sun, Jul 23, 2023, at 4:38 PM, Neil Anuskiewicz wrote:
> > On Jun 30, 2023, at 11:33 AM, Dave Crocker <dcroc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On 6/30/2023 11:22 AM, Todd Herr wrote:
> >> Why is the mechanism called "Domain-based Message Authentication, 
> >> Reporting, and Conformance" and not "Domain-based Message Authentication, 
> >> Reporting, and Disposition"?
> > 
> > Say DMARC out loud.  Now say DMARD out loud.
> I like the way you think, Mr. Crocker. What a difference a letter makes. 
> Dmarc sounds important, serious. DMARD sounds like something a high college 
> friend might have made up to describe something stupid. 

It also phonetically sounds like an abbreviation of Demarcation, which make it, 
what, a double entendre?

Conformance has a synonym Compliance, which may be a reason why people in the 
ranks of Security and Compliance in "general purpose" Author Domains fixate on 
p=quarantine|reject as a rubric to assess their perceived security posture 
without any serious knowledge/consideration of the email interoperability 
issues, and then inevitably there's some kind of unsolvable security incident 
that convinces the CISO to say "damn the torpedoes".

Governance seems like the best word to me, since Governance is what Reporting 
has provided to ADs in Monitoring Mode, but I do not want to say DMARG out loud 
either :-)

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