On Oct 16, 2023, at 6:48 PM, Neil Anuskiewicz <n...@marmot-tech.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 16, 2023, at 6:43 PM, Seth Blank <seth=40valimail....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
>> wrote:
>> I'm sorry, to what are you referring? I co-chair the M3AAWG technical 
>> committee, and am unaware of any advocacy for relitigating DBOUND...

Seth, I based my statement on wording in a couple documents and I heard it from 
other sources but I think I’m just flat out wrong w3aawg is supporting DBOUND. 
I did not mean it as a pejorative, it was more interest in why they might be 
supporting it. I don’t anything about DBOUND. It looked like the project was a 
an active project, so I was curious about it and why M3AAWG might have taken an 
interest. But jumping from that to support was too big a leap.

My goal for being on this list is to learn and that’s been great. So the next 
thing would be how to use what I learn to be helpful. It’s challenging to 
figure out how to be helpful to the WG so I’ve been thinking of other ways such 
as other content to help others understand. 

The reference to DBOUND was sparked by looking around at what w3aawg was saying 
as I generally think they have some good papers and a great video series on 
email authentication. But what I found on DBOUND isn’t endorsement. They framed 
DBOUND in a positive light and encouraged people to look into the project but 
that doesn’t mean the organization endorses it. 

The last thing I wanted to do is offend anyone here. I’d like to continue to 
learn and possibly contribute to the larger DMARCbis effort. So again, I 


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