Dear DMARC WG members, 

I don't understand the choice made when writing the point 6. of the policy 
discovery mechanism (Dmarcbis : [ | ] 

```If a retrieved policy record does not contain a valid "p" tag, or 
contains an "sp" or "np" tag that is not valid, then: 

* If a "rua" tag is present and contains at least one syntactically 
valid reporting URI, the Mail Receiver MUST act as if a record 
containing "p=none" was retrieved and continue processing; 

* Otherwise, the Mail Receiver applies no DMARC processing to this 

According to this text, the record : 
'v=DMARC1; p=reject; sp=quarantin;' (an 'e' is missing at 'quarantine') MUST be 
interpreted as 'v=DMARC1; p=none;' because the "sp" tag is not valid. 

It implies that domain name owners who had made a spelling mistake on the sp 
tag see their 'p' tag downgrade to 'none'.. 
Even though the domain owner will receive the aggregate report containing the 
'p' DispositionType, I am not sure he/she will catch the issue. 

I would then propose to set the invalid tag to none instead of the 'p' tag such 
as : 

[Old Version] 
* If a "rua" tag is present and contains at least one syntactically 
valid reporting URI, the Mail Receiver MUST act as if a record 
containing "p=none" was retrieved and continue processing; 
[/Old Version] 

* If a "rua" tag is present and contains at least one syntactically 
valid reporting URI, the Mail Receiver MUST act as if the invalid tag was set 
to none and continue processing; 
[\ Proposition ] 

The situation for RFC 7489 is slightly the same, with the keyword SHOULD 
instead of MUST: [ 
| ] 

Best regards, 
Olivier Hureau 
dmarc mailing list

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