Please move on from this thread, it’s done now.

Seth, as Chair


On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 09:53 Douglas Foster <> wrote:

> The real evidence of failure is the assumption, built into this document,
> that allowing mailing list paticipation is as easy as changing your policy
> to None.
> We expect evaluators to treat Fail with None the same as Pass.  This says
> that a lot of malice is also being treated the same as Pass.
> If our assignment is to inhibit malice, then we have built a solution on
> the assumption of widespread failure to accomplish that purpose.   We
> should not be so negligent.
> If AOL and related brands were the only ones rejecting list messages, we
> would have an AOL grievance, although they would be in their rights to do
> as they pleased.  But we have a mailing list (and ESP) problem because
> other organizations honor the AOL reject policy unconditionally, against
> the wishes of their users when list messages are affected.   This is
> defective evaluators behavior.
> Doug
> On Fri, Nov 24, 2023, 9:35 AM Douglas Foster <
>> wrote:
>> If this implied solution was working, we would not have a mailing list
>> problem 10 years running.
>> On Thu, Nov 23, 2023, 10:41 AM Dotzero <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 10:19 AM Douglas Foster <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> The gap between what is being attempted and what is needed is a huge
>>>> personal disappointment.
>>>> The DMARC goal should be to block malicious impersonation without
>>>> blocking wanted messages, where "wanted" is in the eyes of the evaluator
>>>> and his end user.    That puts the onus on the evaluator.   RFC 7960 said
>>>> that evaluators need to be aware of problems, but gave no solutions.
>>>>  DMARCbis replaces the evaluator with a mindless automaton, repeating all
>>>> the worst mistakes of RFC 7489.
>>>> This is from a real-world conversation with a product support tech:
>>>>    Me:  I cannot use your DMARC implementation because it does not have
>>>> an exception mechanism.
>>>>    Him:   Why would you need exceptions?
>>>> I blame his ignorance, and his product's inadequacies, on RFC 7489,
>>>> which defined no exceptions.
>>>> RFC 7489 falsely divides the mail stream into four groups:
>>>>    - Authenticated / Pass,
>>>>    - Unauthenticated without Prejudice (None),
>>>>    - Unauthenticated with Prejudice (Quarantine/Reject), and
>>>>    - No Result.
>>>> In reality, there are only two possible states:  Authenticated and Not
>>>> Authenticated.
>>>>    - The Mailing List problem proves that the distinction between None
>>>>    and Reject is a fiction.  At best, Fail with Reject justifies a slightly
>>>>    higher risk weight for environments that depend on weighting.
>>>>    - "No Result" is an error in RFC 7489.    The PSL and default
>>>>    alignment rules allowed a result to be calculated on any domain.   An
>>>>    evaluator cannot excuse a decision to allow malware infestation by 
>>>> saying,
>>>>    "the domain owner did not give me permission to check for malicious
>>>>    impersonation."   "No Result" is another way of saying, "I did not do my
>>>>    job."
>>>>    - Any unauthenticated message is a potential impersonation.  It is
>>>>    the evaluator's job to figure out whether malicious impersonation 
>>>> actually
>>>>    occurred or not.
>>>> Authentication failure provides a starting point, not an end point.
>>>> The risk of malicious impersonation applies to every unauthenticated
>>>> message.
>>>> Correct evaluation fixes the mailing list problem and fixes a lot of
>>>> other false blocks, while blocking the malicious traffic that RFC 7489
>>>> leaves unmolested.
>>>> We need a document that is targeted at evaluators, to help them make
>>>> correct disposition decisions for their organizations.   The current
>>>> document blames the charter as the reason that it does not even try.
>>>> Doug Foster
>>> You are absolutely incorrect when you state that there are no exceptions
>>> provided. "Local policy"  enables an evaluator to implement any
>>> exception(s) they wish.
>>> Michael Hammer
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