> On March 22, 2015 at 6:29 AM Jaromil <jaro...@dyne.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2015, Peter Olson wrote:
> > RMS didn't call me a troll, he answered the question.  Somebody else
> > took it upon himself to refer to the question as trolling.  I haven't
> > decided yet whether to speak to that person tomorrow about it.
> Stefano refused my definition of bullying, which indeed may be debated.

Stefano and I had an amicable conversation about the issue and I understand his
point of view.  As far as bullying goes, I am older than RMS, so I am not easily
bullied by anyone.  I'm OK with the situation as it stands now.

I'm unhappy that RMS didn't have an opinion to share, but it's his prerogative.

Peter Olson
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