On 06/11/2015 09:04 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi Clarke,
> First, from what I understand, the microsecond you get Devuan Alpha 2
> installed, go into /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the two from
> debian, leaving only the ones from devuan. I think that will help some.
> Third, what leads you to the conclusion that your system installed
> systemd? On my VM-hosted Alpha-2 with LXDE, I have a whole bunch of
> files and directories with "systemd" in their names, but I think it has
> nothing to do with my bootup.

Just to mention I installed the netboot alpha2 i386 disc last Friday.  Selected 
Expert and Ceres install.
I only selected the SSH server and nothing else as I like to have as much of a 
bootstrapped system as I can.

Systemd was installed at this time.  After the installation was completed I 
purged systemd and installed sysvinit.

Talking on the IRC, it seems that most of the work is being put into Jessie and 
Ascii and Ceres are later.

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