On 17/12/15 12:48, aitor_czr <aitor_...@gnuinos.org> wrote:
On 16/12/15 22:04, Emiliano Marini<emilianomarin...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>Thanks, let me know if it needs corrections or has misspellings.
Your translation is very good, i only did minor changes:

- Ahora es posible*continuar*  con la actualización --> Ahora es posible
*empezar*  con la actualización  (We just started !!)

- entrar en pánico --> asustarse

- remover --> eliminar

- proceder --> continuar   Now in the other way around!! And several
times... Surery this is due to the differences between American and

- xinit y iniciar --> xinit*e*  iniciar

- En el proceso de eliminar dbus -->*Al*  eliminar   (*although beingright*)

- Los ahora huérfanos paquetes --> Los actuales paquetes huérfanos

- un gestor de login*para* utilizar --> un gestor de login*que poder* utilizar

... The rest of the changes are due to my*pedantry*  ...

More changes:

los paquetes *que* sí deseados --> los paquetes sí deseados

Well, i will put it somewhere, after consulting my doubts about licences.

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