Hi Emiliano,

On 12/17/2015 02:07 PM, Emiliano Marini <emilianomarin...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks aitor_czr!

remover --> eliminar <= synonyms

xinit y iniciar --> xinit*e*  iniciar <= ouch!

un gestor de login*para*  utilizar --> un gestor de login*que poder*
utilizar <=  it's badly conjugated, better use:

"Si todo funciona correctamente, es posible agregar un gestor de login para
poder utilizar durante el siguiente inicio:"


"Si todo funciona correctamente, es posible agregar un gestor de login para
utilizar durante el siguiente inicio:"

The rest is ok.

Thanks again!

I desagree :)

EMHO (en mi humilde opiniĆ³n), the right ways are:

"Si todo funciona correctamente, es posible agregar un gestor de login para poder utilizar*lo* durante el siguiente inicio:"


"Si todo funciona correctamente, es posible agregar un gestor de login *que poder* utilizar durante el siguiente inicio:".

The last one is well conjugated. This is: *el cual poder* utilizar (*which can be* used, in english).

On the other hand, regarding the use of the verb "remover" in spanish, it has another meaning compared to "remove" in english. *To remove* something means *eliminar* algo.

*Re* is a superlative in both America and Europe. For example, in Argentina *re*loco means *super*loco (very crazy).

So, "remover" means to move continuously.

For example:

- You *can* "remove" a blod sample avoiding formation of air bubbles.

- You *can* "remove" a fish soap in your kitchen.

- You *can* "remove" the sugar in the coffie.

It is true there is another meaning for the verb *remover*: to move something from one point to another different point.


- You *cannot* "remove" a folder infected by systemd.

- You *cannot* "remove" a user top-leveling our posts.


- You *can* "remove"a folder infected by systemd *to the trash*.

- You *can* "remove" a picture *from* the Uffizi Gallery *to* the Vittorio Emanuele Gallery.

EQESDA (espero que esto sirva de ayuda)


  Aitor_CZR  &&  Pablo Neruda :)

P.D.- I'm *super*pedantic, i know...

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