On 04/22/2016 01:51 PM, Joel Roth wrote:
Didier Kryn wrote:
hellekin a écrit :
Does apulse serve for anything else than running non-free spyware?

     Probably not. The author states that his goal was to run Skype test
call, and after he achieved this goal, the project has just been stale.
The most recent commit is February this year, so that does
not meet my definition of "stale" even if the author uses
that term.
     Whatever you think of Skype - and I share your opinion - it is so widely
used that it is necessary for many people.
Skype for Linux, OTOH, *is* stale (and last time I checked was
tricky to install) AIUI intentionally so due to Microsoft's
special love for Linux.

As a workaround, I run Skype on my smartphone, which MS (and
their NSA buddies) can't ignore.

It's so refreshing that you all talk freely about this subject. In my social and professional circles it is taboo to even mention the NSA. People look at me like I am a "flatearther" when I simply quote the news.

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