Le 22/04/2016 09:56, Svante Signell a écrit :
On Fri, 2016-04-22 at 15:26 +0800, Brad Campbell wrote:
On 22/04/16 12:51, Joel Roth wrote:

Skype for Linux, OTOH, *is* stale (and last time I checked was
tricky to install) AIUI intentionally so due to Microsoft's
special love for Linux.
brad@bkmac:~$ apt-cache search apluse
Typo here, but the search result was still empty.

Yes, I don't use it for confidential stuff, nor client sensitive comms,
but it serves its purpose admirably, and until a decent open alternative
becomes available it'll continue to do the job.
The problem is to install the (only available) 32bit (old) binaries on a 64bit
architecture. I've done this before, but recently, when I need it on another
box, I failed to install a working Skype. (Did not spend too much time on it
though, I'm now using a more recent Skype on a Windows 10 box :( )

    You need to install 32-bit pulse-audio.


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