On Tue, May 03, 2016 at 12:18:37PM +0200, parazyd wrote:
> On Tue, 03 May 2016, KatolaZ wrote:


> > Why we don't just ship the init scripts for each system with the
> > corresponding service, install them "somewhere else" (e.g.,
> > /var/cache/sysvinit, /var/cache/openrc, /var/cache/wtf, as has been
> > already suggested by others) and then copy (or symlink) the
> > corresponding directory in /etc/ only when the user selects "wtf" as
> > init system?  This could be managed much more easily by
> > update-alternatives, which has just to update two symlinks, e.g. he
> > one corresponding to /sbin/init and the one corresponding to it's
> > bloody scripts directory...
> This is very much a hack. Not really a good way to do it. As Dan says,
> submitting patches to the already existing packages is a much more
> elegant way. I think Dan proposed a very good thing, almost a complete
> solution.

I am not against submitting patches to existing packags to include
init scripts.

Only, whatever smart solution you come up with guys, please try as
hard as possible to keep it as *simple* as possible, not a single bit
more, not a single bit less. The fewer interactions we have among sets
of init scripts belonging to different init systems (ideally, no
interaction whatsoever), the easier maintaining them in the long run,
and plugging in new init systems as yet unforeseen.

Ideally, switching between init systems (e.g., reverting back to an
init system which is known to work) should be achievable from a
single-user root shell spawned as an emergency "init", using only a
few executables in /bin and /sbin. Anything more complicated than that
risks to become not that useful or even harmful in the long run, IMHO.



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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