On Tue, May 03, 2016 at 08:50:20PM +1200, Daniel Reurich wrote:


> This can all be handled in each package with the package triggers
> enabled easily with a debhelper script similar to dh-systemd which makes
> it easy to deploy init scripts/unit files/runscripts etc in their own
> namespace and /etc/<init-system> and only deploy them when the init
> system is installed and removes them when it is removed.  This shifts
> the burden to package maintainers, but that is the right place for them
> and we can make it easy to add additional init-scripts by filing bugs
> with patches.

But do we really need all that complication? Couldn't we just leave
the initscript of each init system in a different directory and *tell
the init system* where they are to be found? This will allow a much
easier coexistence of different confs.

Basically, everything related to sysvinit, stays in /etc/init.d, and
sysvinit knows it has to look there. OpenRC stuff stays in
/etc/openrc, and openrc knows it has to look there for its scripts.
WFTinit stuff will stay in /etc/wtf, and WTFInit knows it has to look
there for its stuff. We add the next-init-system, it will have its
scripts in /etc/<the-next-init-system-damn-name>.

No files to be moved around. No need to update any symlink.

I am sure it is a too naive proposal, for reasons that I don't



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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