On 05/18/2016 05:04 AM, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 09:44:23AM +0100, David Hare wrote:
>> What is ${netconfig_opt} in live.cfg?
> It's coming from refracta, I guess. It should probably be removed in
> the future.

Yes, ${netconfig_opt} is from refractasnapshot and can be turned on/off in
the config file. When enabled, it adds ip=frommedia to the boot command,
and will preserve network configs for ifup/ifdown, wicd and gnome
NetworkManager: /etc/network/interfaces, /var/lib/wicd/configurations, and

I'm looking at the code now - those network config files are not excluded
from the filesystem copy, and they get removed from $work_dir/myfs/ unless
you enable the option.

It's useful for making a snapshot of a system you want to use with your
own network, and it's dangerous if you enable it and then distribute the
iso, thus giving away your wireless passwords.

>> "username=devuan" is not on cmdline, causing error messages and sudo failure
> There is no sudo configured, and probably there will never be. There
> is a root account, with credentials root/toor.

The username option does not appear to be needed for console-only
sessions. Refracta Snapshot 9.3.x adds this option automatically if the
username is anything other than "user", and it uses the name for whoever
has uid:gid of 1000:1000. There's a setting in the config file to override
this and use whatever username you put there. I don't think I've tested
what happens if you put a second user's name there (e.g. whoever is

>> Menu entry "nomodest" is removed (is useful for problem graphics cards)

I think it's also removed in the boot menu of my unofficial live beta, but
it's still there in refractasnapshot. No plans to get rid of that.


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