Il giorno Wed, 15 Mar 2017 22:06:30 -0500 ha scritto:

> On 2017-03-15 21:32, Christopher Clements wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 10:55:57AM -0500, wrote:
>>> But what is the point?  Our freedoms are being eroded on all fronts -
>>> we are drowning in a tsunami of reversal of  choice dictated by those
>>> in power be they Debian or corporations or government.
>>> Rather than piss in the wind...
>> To make this a metaphor, what about pissing _upwind_?
>> I've seen some others suggest notifying upstream developers that making
>> systemd mandatory is a bad idea, and it (notifying them) seems like a
>> good idea, if only to make things easier for Devuan porters.
> That is an excellent idea.  Would be great if someone got organized 
> enough to start a dialog with EVERY upstream dev individually and/or 
> collectively.  Unfortunately, that would be a mammoth task requiring 
> more time than most people could find.  I've done work like that on 
> various issues and know from experience, it is a full time job.

  I think we should insist on cross-platform support and ease of porting:
systemd is exclusively Linux, software written that has it as a
hard-dependency cannot run on a generic POSIX-compliant system, widespread
adoption of systemd will cause a rift between (no longer GNU/)Linux and any
other OS, all other Unixes included, both free and proprietary.  This is bad,
as it replicates in GNU/Linux the bad things that caused the Unix systems of
old to lose market share: they were too difficult to be made to interoperate,
software had to be ported for each architecture *and* OS, so that as soon as
a cheaper and easier to cope with platform emerged the old, grumpy and too
complicated ones suffered and eventually became irrelevant.  This is far from
happening to GNU/Linux now, but systemd stalwartly walks that bad direction.
  I wished I knew how the embedded-systems developers feel about systemd: is
it making their work more difficult?  What impact is systemd having on
porting GNU/Linux to IoT, mobile and real-time devices?

  I just checked on OpenWRT.  They tried two years ago, and had several
problems related to the RedHat-isms that pervade systemd, including this one:

    lifehacksback 2015-01-31 02:32:29

    From: San Francisco
    Registered: 2014-07-02
    Posts: 360

        «Got agetty to compile with systemd. Seems like systemd puts deamons
        in the /sbin/ folder. However most openwrt utilities (util-linux)
        installs them to /usr/sbin. Manually setting agetty to /sbin yields a
        working console base for systemd on openwrt. Now im stuck on the
        "<hostmachine> login: " as systemdlogin does not compile correctly.»

Alessandro Selli
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