On 14.04.2017 12:05, Jaromil wrote:

> can't look deeper into it now, but well, we can consider it at least
> as a reference for people preparing and fixing packages.

Can we aggree on some common naming scheme ?

For now I'm just using <distname>/ as prefix (which is used by my
pbuilder-based packaging tool for detecting the target distro),
but I'm open for discussion. The most important point for me is
having the whole tree (with all patches and debian/ subdir applied)
in one tree, so I never have to cope w/ extra patchqueues anymore.

Perhaps we could also move the upstream's master to a different name
and use that branch for as some starting point for per-package docs,
eg. branch descriptions, etc, etc (maybe as md/textile-based wiki)

>> What is GUIX ?
> distro-agnostic packaging system done right (aka using a functional
> language)
> https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Invoking-guix-package.html

hmm, yet another package manager ?

Why not just using docker+friends ?


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